How To Send DFY Setup Request

Learn how you can utilize Analyzify's Done-For-You option.

Done-For-You option is designed to assist you through your Analyzify setup process, regardless of the setup method you choose. With this option, you can benefit from both our setup methods: Analyzify Lightweight and Analyzify Advanced.

Simply provide us with temporary access and complete your onboarding, and we'll handle the rest. You can also review the details of the DFY method here.

Analyzify Done-For-You Setup
Analyzify Done-For-You Setup

If you prefer us to handle your setup, here's how you can submit a setup request:

What's Next

That's it. Please leave your specific requests/notes in the relevant sections. We'll stay in touch with you throughout the entire process. You can follow the setup process on the homepage, or you have the option to restart the process.

Analyzify Setup Process
Analyzify Setup Process
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