How to Adjust Order Totals in Google Ads and Bing Ads for Shopify

Discover how adjusting Shopify's total_value_format can show actual revenue, excluding taxes and shipping costs.

When managing an online store on Shopify, it's important to have accurate financial insights. This includes understanding how taxes, shipping costs, and other fees impact your total revenue.

If you're using Google Ads or Bing Ads, you might want to see only the actual revenue figures, excluding tax or shipping information.

Here's how you can adjust your settings in Shopify to achieve this:


By customizing the total_value_format in your Shopify settings, you can ensure that the revenue figures you see in Google Ads or Bing Ads reflect only the actual revenue, excluding taxes and shipping costs.

This adjustment can help you get a more useful sight of your store's financial performance and make more informed decisions about your advertising and marketing strategies.

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