Analyzify Setup Upgrade (v3.3)

Introducing Analyzify v3.3: Explore how to upgrade Analyzify Setup and the new features.

To upgrade to Analyzify v3.3, you can follow the instructions below. 

Many changes and improvements have been made in different areas in the new version of Analyzify. 

Before explaining how to perform this upgrade, let’s see what's new in Analyzify v3.3:

What's New?

1) Analyzify Advanced setup now uses App Embed: The setup of Analyzify Advanced integration now calls the necessary codes from within Theme > Customize > App Embed, instead of directly injecting code into your theme file.

2) GTM on Shopify Customer Events: The setup of Analyzify Advanced integration can now integrate GTM into Shopify's newly released Customer Events feature, sending events such as "add_contact_info”, “add_shipping_info”, “add_payment_info”, and “purchase”, at the Checkout step to the desired destination(if applicable) via Google Tag Manager.

3) Analyzify dataLayer structure: The data pushed to the Analyzify dataLayer is now in the Google Analytics 4 e-commerce data structure.

4) Built-in Google Consent Mode Arguments for Customer Events: Due to limited external access to Custom Pixels created through Customer Events, we will be managing the mandatory consent arguments to be included with data sent to Google products (if you have a GDPR compliant setup) directly from within Customer Events by reading Shopify Consent Cookies.

5) Google Tags Advanced Setup: The Google tags within GTM now also support Cookieless pings (a.k.a Advanced Setup). This means that Google can use this data to model your Conversions, Session, or Event Count numbers, allowing for the use of this data. In this setup, tags are triggered cookieless without waiting for the customer's consent preference. Then, they are updated according to the customer's consent preference.

Keep on reading to continue with Analyzify v3.3:

Upon opening the Analyzify app, you will be greeted by the Dashboard page.

Here, you need to click the Restart button next to the Onboarding step as shown in the screenshot.

Important: If this button is not clickable, please contact us.

If for any reason you do not see the Dashboard page as in the screenshot above, we kindly ask you to navigate to the Onboarding section using the menus on the left side.


The Onboarding step is where we collect the necessary information from you to automatically assign your IDs in the Analyzify source code and within Google Tag Manager to the relevant variables. Since you have already completed the setup process once, these values will be presented to you as the last values you entered in the steps.

If any of these values have changed, we kindly ask you to change the relevant value and complete all the steps in order with the help of the instructions below.


The Setup step is where Analyzify is integrated into your source code and the GTM JSON file, Customer Events codes that you need to use based on the information you filled out in the Onboarding step are shared with you, and the setup will be completed.

Setup Analyzify

This is the first step that greets you right after the Onboarding step is completed.

Immediately after the Onboarding step, it checks your live theme's source code and warns you if there are any:

  • {% include "analyzify-gtm-body" %} or 
  • {% include "analyzify-gtm-checkout" %} code  

Because, as mentioned at the beginning of the document, Analyzify no longer injects code directly into your theme file but calls the necessary codes from the App Embed section. To prevent double-counting issues you have to delete these lines in your main files.

If you encounter such a warning;

Here is what you need to do:

Checkout Tracking & Thank You Page Tracking

Here, you should integrate the code you copied into your store by creating a new Pixel in the Customer Events section within Shopify:

Please follow the steps below:

For customers using the Post Purchase App :

Check the Post-purchase page > Additional scripts area above the Order status page scripts for any ID(data transmission) related to your currently used Google Analytics 4 property.

If there is, please remove only the part related to Google Analytics 4 property as in the previous step:

Download GTM Container:

Up to this point, we have removed the old version of Analyzify from your theme file and activated the new version via App Embed, placed the necessary code for Checkout and Thank You Page Tracking, and removed the related codes in the sections to avoid any double counting issues.

Next, you will continue by updating the Tags inside Google Tag Manager .

As mentioned at the beginning of the document, the new version of Analyzify uses a new dataLayer structure . Therefore, when importing the file downloaded from the Admin Panel into Google Tag Manager, you will need to choose the Overwrite method .

When you select the Overwrite method, we want to inform you that everything inside your current Google Tag Manager container will be deleted, and then only the tags from the Analyzify setup downloaded from the admin panel will be imported into GTM.

Therefore, if there are different tags in your GTM container besides the Analyzify setup, it is necessary to first export these tags from the GTM container and save them.

The easiest way to find the tags you are using besides Analyzify in your Container is to scroll to the end inside your Tags section because the Analyzify tags have numeric values at the beginning.

If you have saved a different tag with numeric values at the beginning, you should keep in mind that it may have mixed in between .

Here are the steps to export these tags:

Now, inside your GTM container, there is an unpublished container in a new Workspace containing both Analyzify v3.3 and other Custom Tags.

If any parameter used in the Custom Tags in the unpublished container uses a parameter from the old versions of Analyzify, you should replace these parameters with their equivalents in the new version.

You can find the new version's dataLayer variables in the Variables section.

After ensuring all Tags work as expected, you can Submit(Publish) the Analyzify v3.3 workspace inside the GTM container.

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