Analyzify Server-Side Tracking Onboarding

Explore the step-by-step process of the Analyzify Server-Side Tracking Onboarding!

In this guide, we will walk you through the process of creating an sGTM container, mapping a subdomain on Google Cloud, and providing access to the Analyzify Server-side team.

Let's get started!

Section 1: Creating sGTM Container

Let's dive into the process of creating an sGTM (Server-Side Google Tag Manager) container. Follow these steps to get started:

Section 2: Provide Access to Analyzify Server-side Team

In this section, we will outline the steps to provide access to the Analyzify team in both Google Cloud and Google Tag Manager. By following these steps, you will successfully share access and enable our team to assist you.

1. Google Cloud

To share access on Google Cloud, follow these steps:

2. Google Tag Manager

Now let's proceed with the steps to share access to Google Tag Manager.

Section 3: Google Cloud Mapping Subdomain

Explore the process of mapping a subdomain on Google Cloud by following these steps:

Once you do this, Google will automatically handle the SSL certificate and mapping.

Congratulations!🥳 Our team will take care of the rest!

Table Of Contents